Seven-day Writing Challenge. Did it Work?

3 min readNov 14, 2022


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

I’ve never been good at writing, not even in writing a diary. I don’t know how to put my ideas into words, let alone write in a foreign language like English. But I’ve realized that having writing skills is essential, at least for me. To share my thoughts and stories with the people around the world, I need to learn to write and improve my grammar skills. I attempted to solve this problem by doing a seven-day writing challenge. Through this post I want to share my journey from day to day.

Day One— Spending as the Economic Fuel

The first day was the most challenging because my mind couldn’t come up with anything to write about. Then I remembered my summary of Ray Dalio’s How the Economic Machine Works. The summary focused on credit, but I ended up writing about spending. I’d say the article was poorly written, and I’m not confident in publishing and sharing the story, but I was in the middle of a writing challenge, and the main rule was to share it with the public.

Day Two — Capturing Moment in Slow Motion

I was telling a story about how much I enjoy capturing a moment in slow motion. It started out as an accident but quickly became my favorite. I also want to master this technique and make more art.

Day Three — The Butterfly Effect: All Little Things Matter

My brain still hard to find an idea to write, until “the butterfly effect” popped up on my mind. When I was 17, my teacher would pick one student and assign them to give a speech in front of the class. When she chose me, I talked about the butterfly effect and how it happens every day, using Scrat the squirrel from the “Ice Age” movie as an example. Scrat was obsessed with acorn, which caused the ice to break and bring the world to a disaster. It seemed like nothing because all he did was fight to get the acorn, but little did he know what he did could cause an apocalypse.

Based on that story, I decided to write something related to the butterfly effect with simple example that even closer with our daily life.

Day Four— How to Prevent Burnout Based on My Personal Experience

This is my favorite, it was written from my personal experience. It took years to finally recognize what is the best solution for my never-ending burnout episode. The mainstream step by step with some adjustment.

Day Five — Stepping into the Stock Market

My first intention is to tell how my first journey in the stock market but again my brain was stop working when it’s time to write. After this post, I decided that I’m not good to write an economic related topic, I’m not an expert and not interested on it.

Day Six — Cinematic in Hue

I wrote this in the corner of my room around 5 p.m., the article was supposed to be posted at 7 p.m., and I used my smartphone because I didn’t bring my laptop. It was a rush writing. This post’s main topic was how much I want to learn cinematic photography. The color grading and concept are fantastic. I’m hoping that one day I’ll be able to create cinematic art with my camera.

Day Seven — What Is the Best Option? Quit?

The writing challenge was the most stressful. I’d wanted to quit since the first day. To avoid writer’s block, I adjusted my schedule to write in the morning before do anything else. It went well but I still stuck at writing from time to time. On day seven, I was not only frustrated with the writing challenge, but also with one and two other things. I had too much on my plate, it was hectic, and my brain couldn’t function properly. So, what is the best option? Quit?

At the end of writing challenge, I decided to more focus on to personal experience and my learning journey in art. Although my grammar is still bad, my writing ability has improved. Following this challenge, I began a seven-day design challenge! In the next post, I’ll explain my journey. After that time, see you!




Share stories about art, science, economic and my personal experiences.